ENGLISH as a SECOND LANGUAGE, HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA or GED, CAREER EDUCATION, CITIZENSHIP, & DEGREE PROGRAM classes are available in your neighborhood at our three local Adult Schools (FUHSD, MVLA, & PAAS) and two Community Colleges (De Anza & Foothill). Say ”Yes!” To you and contact a counselor now.
No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, we have dedicated educators ready to serve you. Take classes in your neighborhood, near your work, at our adult schools or community colleges. Collectively we teach over 50,000 adults, students just like you: ready, willing, and able. Adult Education in your back yard!
We create educational opportunities to help students transition between adult schools and community colleges and/or between school and work with the goal of becoming a regional hub of opportunities for personal, professional and economic advancement through robust partnerships.
We offer both free and fee-based classes to help you achieve your career goals.
We welcome all adult learners of all ages and all life-situations, including our formerly incarcerated community members.
If you don’t know what is next for you, not a problem! We have counselors to help you through your choices. Choices include: Getting a high school or college diploma; receiving career certification; learning English; stacking certificates for your skills and resume; meeting a personal goal (e.g. working on your car to save money or learning a new computer language).
Thousands of classes and opportunities. Talk to an adult education counselor today at an adult school or community college in the North Santa Clara County Consortium including Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Cupertino, Los Altos, Palo Alto, Santa Clara and San Jose.
The North Santa Clara county Consortium was established in 2015. The Leadership Board (comprised of representatives from DeAnza College, Foothill College, Fremont Union High School District Adult School, Mountain View-Los Altos Adult School and Palo Alto Adult School) is created for the purpose of collaborating and improving the success of adult learners in the region. Specifically, the Board seeks to implement an annual consortium action plan, revising as needed based on the needs of the community of learners. The specific purposes of the Committee may include the following responsibilities:
As a consortium, we believe in equity for all. We believe in changing structures and systems so that institutional practices are inclusive, supportive, and tailored to each student’s needs. That said, institutional racism exists and it affects many in our community and disproportionately impacts our Black community members, often devastatingly so. Here are some resources for teachers and students in this challenging time throughout our nation. We can all be better, and we all can fight racism. And, we all can join our brothers and sisters in the Black community and stand up and make known that Black Lives Matter. These resources are meant to inform and help you tailor your own growth and exponentially empower your voice for change.
North Santa Clara County Adult Education Consortium